HomeHealthSkin CareCellulite: Causes and Treatment Methods

Cellulite: Causes and Treatment Methods

Perhaps you’ve noticed a change in your skin texture and are seeing more dimpling, especially around your hips, thighs, and buttocks. If so, you may be among the estimated 85 percent of American women who have cellulite, according to the Mayo Clinic. Although the condition is cosmetic and harmless, it can affect how you feel about your body. Luckily, there are treatments available that can reduce the appearance of cellulite. Let’s explore what causes cellulite and some popular treatment methods.

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is fat stored in pockets below the surface of your skin. Connective tissue fibrous bands surround these fat cells. When the fat cells expand, it causes the skin above it to pucker and dimple, creating that “orange peel” or “mattress top” look. Cellulite often begins to form during adolescence but may worsen with age and weight gain. Pregnancy can also lead to an increase in cellulite due to hormonal changes and weight gain.

What causes cellulite?

There are a few factors that contribute to cellulite formation including:

-Genetics: You may be more likely to have cellulite if other women in your family have it.

-Age: As you get older, your skin becomes thinner and less elastic. This makes it more difficult for underlying fat cells to stay confined within narrow spaces. Instead, they push up against the skin leading to that characteristic dimpling

-Weight gain: If you suddenly gain weight, you may notice an increase in cellulite as well since fatty deposits are more likely to push against the skin’s connective tissue when expanded.   -Dehydration: When the body isn’t properly hydrated, circulation can decrease which can lead to a build-up of toxins beneath the skin and make cellulite more visible.  

-Poor diet: A diet high in processed foods can worsen the appearance of cellulite because it leads to inflammation throughout the body which can damage collagen—a protein that helps keep skin firm and elastic. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein instead. Excessive salt intake can also contribute to fluid retention which will make cellulite worse so limit salt as well.  

-Lack of exercise: Exercise helps increase blood flow throughout your body which can help reduce toxins and make cellulite less visible by toning muscles beneath the skin’s surface.”   

-Smoking: Cigarette smoking decreases blood flow throughout your body and damages collagen which worsens the appearance of cellulite.

-Sitting or standing for long periods of time: This also decreases blood flow leading to a build-up of toxins beneath the surface of your skin.

how to get rid of cellulite? What are treatment for cellulite?

There are many factors that can contribute to cellulite, including genetics, diet, and lifestyle. Fortunately, there are also many ways to reduce its appearance. Diet and exercise are always important for overall health, but they can also help to improve the appearance of cellulite. Massage and dry brushing are two other popular methods for reducing cellulite. There are also various creams and serums that claim to minimize cellulite, though their effectiveness may vary. With so many options available, there is no need to feel self-conscious about cellulite. With a little effort, it can be greatly reduced.


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