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Mfine and datar genetics launch cancer screening program on app health news at Healthfunda

Bengaluru: Digital Health Startup MFine in association with cancer research company Datar Cancer Genetics announced the launch of a comprehensive cancer screening programme on the MFine app. The introduced programme allows the booking of cancer screening tests on the MFine app to help patients detect cancer at an early stage.

Virtual representation of  portals
Virtual representation of portals

Early detection of cancer is vital for successful treatment and can help in successfully curing it at an early stage without the requirement of intensive and toxic treatments, subsequently also bringing down high treatment costs. This also enables MFine users to book the Datar EasyCheck360 (multiple cancers), EasyCheck FemmeSafe (women’s cancers), Datar EasyCheck Diabetes test and EasyCheck Prostate cancer screening tests through the app.

Cancer is one of leading causes of deaths worldwide with over 18 million women and men diagnosed with various cancers and 9 million deaths being reported every year. This translates into roughly 34 cancer cases being detected and 18 cancer related deaths every minute. Due to changes in lifestyle as well as other risk factors, these numbers are slated to increase in the future. Studies have shown that 30-50% of all cancer cases are preventable and prevention is the most cost-effective long-term strategy for controlling cancer.

EasyCheck is a globally recognized simple blood test for early cancer detection which has been clinically validated by one of the world’s largest clinical trials in the World Health Organisation (WHO) clinical trial registry by Datar Cancer Genetics. The validation spans over 34,000 known cancer patients and more than 23,000 healthy individuals. EasyCheck360 is non-invasive, radiation free and can be availed from anywhere through the app. It is intended to be performed annually as a screening test in individuals aged above 30 years without any symptoms suggestive of cancer.

EasyCheck360 can detect cancers early that originate in the oral cavity, lung, breast, esophagus,stomach, liver,pancreas, gallbladder,kidney, ovary, cervix, prostate, bladder and specified sarcomas. EasyCheck-FemmeSafe for women can detect cancers early that originate in the breasts, ovaries, endometrium and cervix. EasyCheck Prostate is a blood test that can detect prostate cancer and is intended to be performed annually as a screening test in individuals with no symptoms.

Datar Genetics reported the the discovery of a new ‘Cancer Hallmark’ i.e. Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) clusters which are common in the blood of cancer patients and are undetectable in healthy individuals back in 2020. EasyCheck360 is based on this technology and checks blood samples of asymptomatic healthy individuals for CTC clusters whose presence indicates an underlying cancer.

Speaking on the targets to be achieved through the collaboration, Viswanathan NS, CFO, MFine said, “Early cancer screening and detection is key for higher survival rates, effective treatment and reduced costs. The partnership with Datar will empower MFine users with access to early screening tests on their mobile. We will continue to invest in deep tech to transform every smartphone into a health companion for consumers and a decision support assistant to all doctors. We believe smartphones as a health monitoring device will play a major role in the way users track their vital parameters and healthcare providers handle diagnostics.”

Elaborating on the use of providing early detection tests, Samara Mahindra, Director – New Cancer Initiatives, Datar Cancer Genetics said, “The fastest way to eradicate cancer is to provide tests for early detection and screening. We need to understand that cancer can be treated effectively with an extremely high chance of survival, if detected early. Providing people with an easy and non-invasive way to screen is imperative to make this change and witness a cancer free India. Partnering with Mfine now creates accessibility to a large number of people who can screen themselves in the comfort of their homes.”

Using telemedicine can help in early diagnoses, treatment and long-term care which can significantly improve cancer care for patients. In developed countries, teleoncology has improved access to care, early diagnosis and decreased cancer care costs. With this partnership, MFine aims to strengthen its portfolio of healthcare services delivered through AI and provide on-demand healthcare services across India.

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