HomeHealthAlternative MedicineThe yogic ayurvedic way of managing thyroid disorders

The yogic ayurvedic way of managing thyroid disorders

Thyroid disorders are common in India, mostly affecting women. 

Women Doing Yoga
Women Doing Yoga

Some research studies suggest that around 42 million Indians suffer from thyroid complications, hypothyroidism being the most common one.

Although there is no specific data available for why women are more susceptible to thyroid disorders, some studies suggest that it is due to the hormonal changes in their bodies.

Managing thyroid disorders is not that difficult, and you can even minimize the risk of getting affected by it. 

According to studies, yoga and having herbal foods are some proven and effective ways to manage thyroid diseases. 

In this article, you’ll learn about the five yoga asanas and some ayurvedic foods that can help manage (or prevent) thyroid disorders effectively.

Note: January is observed every year as ‘Thyroid Awareness Month

Yoga asanas are scientifically proven techniques that help manage a range of conditions.

When it comes to taking care of the thyroid gland, there are five specific asanas for you.

Sarvangasana – The shoulder stand pose

It is an easy yoga asana and requires less effort than other yoga asanas. 

Sarvangasana can be effective for both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. It can also help relieve stress.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Lie down in the supine position (on your back)
  • Slowly start to raise your legs
  • Support the posture with your hands
  • Raise your legs to a 90-degree angle
  • Make sure that your chin touches your chest
  • Stay in this position as long as you can (15 seconds should be minimum)

Matasyasan – The fish pose

This asana is beneficial for the thyroid gland, helps improve brain functions, and stretch chest muscles, abs, and hip flexors.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Lie down in the supine position (on your back) 
  • Keep your legs straight
  • Your palms should be open on either side of your hips
  • Press the floor with your palms & lift your shoulders
  • Slowly drop your head on the floor (try to touch the floor with your head)
  • Arc your spine and keep the hands in namaskar mudra
  • Try to keep your eyes on your nose
  • Hold the posture between 10 to 30 seconds and release

Note: Avoid doing this asana if you suffer from a neck injury, back injury, or headache

Utrasana – The camel pose

Utrasana is an easy to do yoga asana. It helps enhance thyroid function, improves respiration, and relieves lower back pain. 

This asana is also helpful in making shoulders and back flexible and stronger.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Kneel, keep your feet & knee together
  • Lean backwards, bend your head & push your hips forward
  • Rest your hands on your feet
  • Relax your muscles
  • Stay in the position for a few seconds & release slowly

Bhujangasana – The cobra pose

Beneficial for people suffering from hypothyroidism, this asana also aids in making the spine, hip muscles, chest, abdomen, shoulders, and lungs stronger.

Bhujangasana helps make blood circulation healthier and minimize stress.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Lie in the prone position (flat on your stomach)
  • Keep your palms on either side of the chest 
  • Make sure your palms are close to the body & elbows pointed in the outward direction
  • Take a deep breath and simultaneously raise your head, neck, & shoulders
  • Look upwards and breathe normally
  • Your stomach should touch the floor
  • Hold the posture for five seconds 
  • Come back slowly & rest your arms

Shavasana – The corpse pose

Shavasana is on of the eaisest yoga asana. It helps in managing thyroid disorders and also aids in reducing stress

Here’s how to do it:

  • Lie down on your back
  • Keep your legs straight & relax your arms with palms facing up
  • Close your eyes & breathe naturally
  • Start from focusing on your toes 
  • Focus on every organ & cell
  • Gradually move upwards to the top of your head
  • Make sure that you don’t fall asleep
  • Slowly bend your knees upwards & sit in a comfortable position
  • Open your eyes while shifting your attention outwards

Arjun tree extract

Grown in several parts of India, this herb has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, & antimicrobial properties. 

It can be helpful in the following ways:

  • Managing hyperthyroidism
  • Improving cardiovascular health
  • Regulating blood pressure


Ashwagandha contains anti-inflammatory properties and can benefit you in various ways, including:

  • Reducing the risk of thyroid disorders
  • Managing stress & anxiety
  • Improving brain health
  • Controlling blood sugar levels
  • Minimizing inflammation


Rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, anantmool not only aids in managing thyroid disorders but is also helpful in providing health benefits such as:

  • Improving skin health
  • Lowering blood glucose levels
  • Managing digestive health


Full of several nutritional benefits, asparagus is a vegetable mainly available in the spring season. 

A few benefits of asparagus include:

  • Improving thyroid function
  • Managing digestion
  • Regulating blood glucose levels
  • Enhancing cardiovascular health

Final thoughts

The above-mentioned are five important yoga asanas and some dietary choices that can help minimize the risk of thyroid complications and improve its functioning.

Other steps towards a healthy you are:

  • Taking thyroid supplements as per your doctor’s advice
  • Getting regular diagnoses to keep an eye on your thyroid levels 

These measures can help you keep your thyroid hormone levels in range and stay at the top of your health.

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